Frugal Francis

Spend less, Earn More, and Save as much as possible!

Hello to the World from Frugal Francis

Oct 28, 2009

Well, first and foremost, Hello World!

Yes, I did it, I put together a custom installed WordPress blog and it was really freakin’ easy to do so.   In the past, I fiddled with installing WordPress by putting on an ftp server and running the install script, and while I was able to do it, I found it cumbersome and time-consuming.  I will be sure to follow up a bit more about how easy this is to do in my next posting…

Frugal Francis is the name I will use for the blog that entertains users on how to save and earn money through the Internet.  I plan on talking about a variety of topics on this blog, but all will reflect back to different ways to save money or ways to actually earn money on the Internet.

If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme and are in desperate need for money, then you came to the wrong site.  Trust me, I’ve been fooled into a number of offers over the years, and there are a only a few ways to get rich on the Internet, and they all come with hard work and dedication.

I live and die by a principle that you need to earn more than you spend and SAVE as much as possible.  I will be talking about crafty ways to save and earn money in this blog, so stay tuned!

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